We all may go through times when we don’t like how we feel. It can be difficult finding confidence in the way that we look all of the time and you may hit some real spells of disliking who you see when you look in the mirror. It may be because you feel that you are overweight, or you might see one of your features as out of proportion. It is hard to know how other people may see you when they look at you, but as far as you are concerned, you imagine that it is not positive.
It can be really tough on you emotionally to have to deal with that kind of negativity. You may not feel like getting dressed up because it will draw attention to yourself. Soon, making less effort with yourself will also add to your feelings of negativity, and it can become a downward spiral. It can affect how you feel about going out to work, and your social life. There can be so many areas of your life that it will cause problems in, that eventually, it can be overwhelming.
But you can overcome these feelings, and you can not only grow to not hate yourself, but you may also even start to love who you are.
Changing Little Things
One way to help you feel better about yourself is to change some little things. You may not want to go and have a makeup artist or a hairdresser do work on your looks as you may be too self-conscious. However, if you have a friend or a family member who has patience and understanding, they will help you in an uplifting and positive manner.
You may want to look at signing up for some weight loss programs. Combine this with some exercises to help you get fit and healthy. Exercising creates natural feelgood hormones that can give you a well-needed positivity boost. Build it up little-by-little and your fitness levels and your confidence will both rise together.
Learn To Love Who You Are
The one problem with feeling bad about the way that you look is that you stop paying attention to the things that you actually do like about yourself. There may be features that when you stop and think about, you think are quite nice. Stop for a minute and list them all. Look at yourself in a mirror if it helps. Ignore any negative feelings and ask yourself if something each aspect of the way that you look is attractive to you.
Then, tell yourself several times a day that those things are attractive. You need to be consistent in reminding yourself of the things that you like about yourself. Eventually, it will start to feel natural and over time, you will become a more positive thinker. Soon, when you look in the mirror, the first thing that you will see will not be the thing that you hated. The first thing that you will see will be yourself.
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