It is a fact that 140 million working days each year are lost to employees taking sick days off. The main cause for this is illnesses and then muscular skeletal conditions are the second most common. This is exactly why your business needs an effective absence management system, so that these days can be limited and decreased as much as possible. The main aim of employee absence management is to focus on the employee’s health early on, such as having interventions so that the illness can be dealt with prior to it having a negative effect on their work. This will ensure that the condition is not only improved, but hopefully heals it completely. This process will 100% reduce your staffs absence.
There are also absence management companies that offer excellent return to work programs. These usually are designed to help ill employees return to work safely, so that they can get back to their duties and proceed with helping the business grow. This process is especially excellent for employees who have been absent for sometime, and feel that they have tried every way possible to get better, but their health hasn’t improved. They will have the option to take part in not only psychological therapy but also physiotherapy. These will include both an assessment of the employees current health and the their work based duties. If the program is a positive one, it will help everyone involved including the employers, focus on what the employee is able to do, rather than what they cannot. This will help them return to work in a timely matter.
What you need is an absence management program that is innovative. It should offer a service that is immediate when it comes to reducing staff absence costs, while also maximising staff attendance. This should be done with telephone triage, functional assessments and aiming to hep the employees for the long term as much as possible. For instance, a telephone triage is so important when it comes to sickness absence management, as it is designed to offer support to people who suffer from conditions. For example, if you have someone with hearing loss in your business, making a dedicated effort to learn more and support them in the best way you can will go a very long way.
On the other end of the phone line, there should be an employment assessment made available and carried out by an experienced physiotherapist. The option of sending the employee to a relevant healthcare professional should also be there, as this is how they will go on to actually be treated. A telephone triage makes everything easier during the process, and saves employers a lot of time. A functional assessment is also very important, as this is what will test the person’s sustainability and overall ability to perform their work tasks. This is also useful in pre-employment screening, as you will then be able to tell if an applicant is suitable for the position that you are looking to hire for. The assessment will also give you a chance to look at their past medical history, which is valuable information, especially depending on the type of work that will need to carried out.
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